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Local actions driving global change

ICLEI World Congress 2024

Every three years, ICLEI hosts the ICLEI World Congress to showcase how cities, towns and regions across our network are advancing sustainable urban development worldwide. The Congress connects local and regional governments with their peers and strategic partners, and provides a platform for discussions that will inform and enhance their work.

Cities and regions at global events

Daring Cities 2024

Daring Cities, co-convened by ICLEI and the Federal City of Bonn, is a global initiative for urban leaders taking on the climate emergency. In 2024, Daring Cities aims to serve as a pivotal platform for advancing multilevel and collective climate action. Focused on fostering collaboration between national and subnational governments, the event explores a holistic and integrated approach to tackling the climate emergency, promoting leadership, knowledge exchange, and the implementation of ambitious climate strategies through a rich agenda of dialogues, workshops, and high-level roundtables throughout 2024.

Nature-based Development in the ICLEI network

Nature-based development protects and enhances the biodiversity and ecosystems in and around our cities, which underpin key aspects of our local economies and upon which we depend for the well-being and resilience of our communities. Healthy local environments are prioritized in policy and planning, and jurisdictions pursue economic opportunities based on nature and ecosystem services. Nature-based development seeks out blue and green infrastructure options and promotes green zones to reconnect and engage with nature in our urban world. In October, local and regional governments will gather at the 8th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities, an official parallel event to Biodiversity COP16, in Cali, Colombia, to elevate their voices, ensuring that strong action is taken to create vibrant cities and regions, where people and biodiversity can thrive.