Opinions, ideas and knowledge you can apply to local and regional sustainable development.

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The Top 10: Media Coverage of #Climate2014

Yielding major announcements from a number of state dignitaries, the published narrative at the UN Climate Summit 2014 was diverse, with the immediacy for climate action taking precedence. The following is a list of selected articles, highlighting announcements and commitments made at the Summit with ICLEI´s involvement. This includes particularly – The Compact of Mayors 

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The Top 10: Quotes from ICLEI’s #Climate2014

"The UN Climate Summit has given the world a catalyst. Now is the time to react and take the time now between now and Lima and Paris to transform the energy generated in New York City towards a clear path to carbon neutrality. To paraphrase Christiana Figueres, all of us, we have to engage and 

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In New York, pioneering mayors unite to galvanize climate action

At the Climate Summit 2014, world Mayors marched the streets of New York and unveiled new initiatives that will catalyze climate action globally. These initiatives – including the historic Compact of Mayors – show the solidarity, leadership and commitment of cities to fight climate change at full speed. “The Climate Summit 2014 marks a new peak 

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What is the #CompactOfMayors?

The Compact of Mayors is a groundbreaking effort to consolidate existing voluntary commitments that cities have made in advance of expectations around national level contributions to a global climate agreement. Cities around the world are already making important commitments to reduce GHG emissions and are collaboratively working to reach their goals. The key elements of the Compact of Mayors are: 1. Agreement 

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Launching today the Compact of Mayors, a milestone in local climate action!

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change Michael R. Bloomberg today announced the launch of a global Compact of Mayors, the world’s largest effort for cities to fight climate change. The Compact will enable cities to publically commit to deep GHG emissions reductions; make existing targets and plans 

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Cities and nations must collaborate to fight climate change, say mayors

Park Won-Soon, mayor of Seoul (S. Korea), Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris (France), and Eduardo Paes, mayor of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) signed this joint op-ed, contributing to the discussion regarding the increasingly important role of cities in fighting climate change. The original version of the op-ed was published on the Huffington Post and can 

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Only when we move, we can move the world! Mayors join the Peoples Climate March

Two days before the Summit, more than 400,000 people marched the streets of  New York to call for urgent and transformative action on climate change, making it the biggest environmental march of all time. ICLEI and its delegation of Mayors were there, marching under the banner “People’s Climate, Mayors Commit,” to show a deep commitment to protecting people’s climate.  Mayors George 

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