Building resilience: Urban stories from the Global South at COP28
As our world urbanizes swiftly, cities like Melaka, Independencia, Lusaka, and Minas Gerais State are taking strides to transform climate…
It anticipates, prevents, absorbs, and recovers from shocks, especially those from rapid environmental, technological, social, and demographic changes while strengthening response systems and addressing the needs of vulnerable groups in our society.
As our world urbanizes swiftly, cities like Melaka, Independencia, Lusaka, and Minas Gerais State are taking strides to transform climate…
More than twenty cities worldwide are recognized as Resilience Hubs, a certification given to cities when they achieve a high…
Addressing the climate crisis in socially unequal areas involves utilizing tailored insurance mechanisms, such as those provided by the Urban Infrastructure Insurance Facility (UIIF), which support cities in managing risks and quickly accessing financial resources for their most vulnerable residents.
From 22-24 November 2022, Saitama City will host the ‘Saitama Sustainable Cities Summit ~E-KIZUNA Global Summit~’, which brings cities from…
An update interview with ICLEI Global CityFood Program Coordinator Peter Defranceschi Written by Selina Emmanuel and Jiwon Lee of the…
This blog post was written by Dewi Sari and Kanak Gokarn with contributions from the Resilient Development and Sustainable Energy…
Ingrid Coetzee, Director of Biodiversity, Nature and Health for ICLEI Africa, recently shared her expertise with the international broadcaster Deutsche…
In 2014, the city of Malmö experienced extreme precipitation, causing widespread damage and big financial losses. Now, the city is…
A growing sense of urgency, propelled by the IPCC reports, COP26 discussions, and the need for real impact by 2030 mean climate policies have never been higher on the agenda. Climate reporting gives local and regional governments control to track, manage, and attain their climate goals. The good news is, it also attracts investment.
This article is written by Anina Hartung and Dr. Nazmul Huq from the ICLEI Global Resilient Development Team. It should…
In Öresund, beneath the surface of the sea, hides northern Europe’s largest mussel bed. This 75 square kilometer area is…
Nature’s contributions to people are of critical importance to rich and poor in developed and developing countries alike. Nature underpins every person’s wellbeing and ambitions – from health and happiness to prosperity and security. People need to better understand the full value of nature to ensure its protection and sustainable use.”