Las ciudades pueden hacer realidad la iniciativa CHAMP

Las ciudades pueden hacer realidad la iniciativa CHAMP

Durante la sesión plenaria de clausura del Congreso Mundial ICLEI 2024, la alcaldesa Katja Dörner pidió a los líderes urbanos que se comprometan de manera proactiva con sus gobiernos nacionales y asociaciones nacionales de gobiernos locales para mejorar las NDC para 2025 y apoyar la iniciativa CHAMP.

Cities can bring CHAMP to life

Cities can bring CHAMP to life

During the ICLEI World Congress 2024 closing plenary on 21 June, Katja Dörner, Mayor of Bonn, Germany, and chair of the Climate Action Governance Portfolio for the ICLEI Global Executive Committee, called on urban leaders to proactively engage with their national governments and local government associations to enhance NDCs by 2025 and support CHAMP. National associations of local governments – under the leadership of ICLEI governance Members – in Germany, Brazil, and the U.S. have pledged to CHAMP, pioneering a global movement to push for stronger local involvement in national climate plans.

Setting up a multilevel COP29: UN High-Level Climate Champions elevate the importance of subnationals and launch COP29 action agenda

Setting up a multilevel COP29: UN High-Level Climate Champions elevate the importance of subnationals and launch COP29 action agenda

As the SBs continue to set the stage for COP29, global city representatives shared concrete examples of multilevel governance and partnership for enhanced climate action between national and local governments.

Catalyzing multilevel climate action: CHAMP endorsers strategize together at Daring Cities roundtable

Catalyzing multilevel climate action: CHAMP endorsers strategize together at Daring Cities roundtable

“The climate crisis is global. But the work to address it is global, national, regional and local” – Axel Schmidt Grael, Mayor of Niterói, Brazil and Chair of the ICLEI Climate Action Support Portfolio, during the CHAMP endorser roundtable on 4 June, under the umbrella of Daring Cities Bonn Dialogues 2024.