Reflecting on how to elevate the momentum on multilevel climate action beyond COP28
Wrapping up Daring Cities’ 2024 Cornerstone I “Reflect,” two in-depth webinars gathered local leaders and climate representatives to discuss past…
Wrapping up Daring Cities’ 2024 Cornerstone I “Reflect,” two in-depth webinars gathered local leaders and climate representatives to discuss past…
As São Paulo’s thermometers marked record-breaking temperatures last year, the heat wave refused to relent, with March 2024 hitting nearly…
Amidst the urgency of global climate action, São Paulo, Brazil, stands out for its dedication to sustainability and for being the host of the ICLEI World Congress in June 2024, to advance environmental goals and foster international cooperation. The city’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is evident through initiatives like expanding bus lanes, transitioning to a greener bus fleet, promoting urban agriculture, and enhancing green spaces to improve air quality, food security, and urban biodiversity.
Fort Collins, Colorado, stands as a beacon of exemplary sustainability efforts, particularly evident in its commitment to Sustainable Development Goal…
As the world shapes the framework for the “Global Plastic Treaty,” the urgency to address plastic pollution has never been more pronounced, with completion aimed by the end of 2024. Regional initiatives like the UrbanShift Latin America Forum in Belém, Brazil, highlight how local actions and policies can align with global efforts to foster sustainable urban development.
Las áreas rurales, que cubren un tercio de São Paulo, están perfectamente conectadas con la ciudad a través del Programa…
Cobrindo um terço de São Paulo, as áreas rurais estão conectadas de forma contínua à cidade através do Programa Sampa+Rural,…
The cancellation of this year’s UN Regional Climate Weeks, raised concerns about the regional dimensions at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Contrasting this, local and regional governments in Latin America are advancing their own ‘regional dialogues,’ with Belém, Brazil, emerging as a key hub for climate discussions and preparations for a successful COP30.
Covering a third of São Paulo, rural areas are seamlessly connected to the city through the Sampa+Rural Program, a groundbreaking…
A cidade de São Paulo acaba de declarar de utilidade pública a aquisição de 32 áreas verdes privadas, equivalentes ao…
La ciudad de São Paulo ha declarado recientemente de utilidad pública la adquisición de 32 zonas verdes privadas, equivalentes al…
The City of São Paulo has recently declared the acquisition of 32 private green areas as a public utility, equivalent…