Amazonian cities, unique and irreplaceable: Making the urban amazon visible

Amazonian cities, unique and irreplaceable: Making the urban amazon visible

Amazonian cities are diverse in opportunities and needs. The region’s biodiversity is amongst the world’s most important but its cities’ sustainability challenges are less well-known. These jurisdictions require financial support and capacity building to create sustainable, conservation-oriented, equitable, nature-based spaces with circular development. At the ICLEI World Congress, mayors from this region convened to amplify the voices of these unique cities.

Navigating our changing world: Insights on local urban climate action

Navigating our changing world: Insights on local urban climate action

In a world increasingly shaped by the climate emergency, cities are stepping into the forefront of resilience and sustainability efforts. During the ICLEI World Congress’ plenary “Our Changing World,” ICLEI Members and experts discussed how cities can leverage local initiatives to drive global impact, emphasizing the urgency of integrated approaches to mitigate environmental risks and build climate-resilient communities worldwide.