Collaboration cultivates innovation: How ICLEI Africa and the City of Cape Town have been pioneering local sustainability action for two decades

Collaboration cultivates innovation: How ICLEI Africa and the City of Cape Town have been pioneering local sustainability action for two decades

In its 30 years of urban sustainability work, ICLEI has partnered closely with many of the world’s cities to form…

Three stories for local governments to watch in 2020

Three stories for local governments to watch in 2020

As we kick off a new decade, environment takes center stage. For the first time, the top five global threats in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report are all environmental. Climate action failure and biodiversity loss make the top five both in terms of likelihood and level of impact.

Anna Reynolds, Lord Mayor of Hobart, Australia, on the special role of capital cities in combating climate change

Anna Reynolds, Lord Mayor of Hobart, Australia, on the special role of capital cities in combating climate change

The capital cities are Australia’s best-known cities, and they are the economic engines of the country, so they have an important role to play in tackling climate change and working with the national government, the Lord Mayor from Hobart related in a recent interview.