6 Days to the ICLEI World Congress: Bold Local Climate Leadership in the Compact of Mayors

Local action moves the world, certainly from a climate perspective. Current buzzwords like “cities” and “climate leadership” are used in the media, trying to create a sense of hope for the future in a world facing climate change. The reality that urgent action is needed – in terms of both reducing greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions 

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9 Days to Lima: Focus on Rajkot, an Urban-LEDS Model City

Rajkot is a fast-growing industrial city in the State of Gujarat. During the last decade, the city’s population increased by 28.3 percent, making it the fourth largest city in Gujarat. Through the Urban-LEDS project Rajkot is facilitating and augmenting the implementation of several key plans to effectively decrease emissions. The international project promotes urban Low 

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Challenge of irreversible climate change also offers opportunities for development and increased vertical cooperation

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, Winston Churchill is said to have proclaimed. That humanity faces a serious climate crisis is no longer in doubt after the recent Concluding Instalment of the Fifth Assessment Report on Climate Change by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released in Copenhagen on 2 November. The 

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