Eight great ideas to tackle food insecurity from industrial legacy cities

Eight great ideas to tackle food insecurity from industrial legacy cities

For formerly industrial cities that have transitioned away from heavy industry, food insecurity has been a dire problem. Prolonged disinvestment common to former blue collar neighborhoods often means that food insecurity is more significant in these areas. But these cities are also showing how food systems can be made more equitable and sustainable.

Cities across the globe meet to define best practices in low emission development

Cities across the globe meet to define best practices in low emission development

Sometimes seeing something is the best way to learn. That’s what representatives from 23 cities in Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Rwanda, South Africa and Europe had the opportunity to do on a recent European study trip on sustainable urban development and climate resilience.

How local governments can lead the biodiversity movement: New ICLEI Global Ambassador for Local Biodiversity will shine a spotlight on local action

How local governments can lead the biodiversity movement: New ICLEI Global Ambassador for Local Biodiversity will shine a spotlight on local action

Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods while 1.6 billion people, including 70 million…