100% renewable energy: From aspiration to a clear path forward
August 16, 2024
The 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap project has turned a global dream into reality, guiding cities and regions toward 100% renewable energy. ICLEI's Head of Sustainable Energy share share his insights on this journey.
Can cities run on renewables? Kenya's Kisumu County has a roadmap to prove it
August 7, 2024
On 1 August, ICLEI, in partnership with the County Government of Kisumu, unveiled a tailored-made roadmap towards 100% renewable energy by 2050. Under the 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap project, Kisumu is sparking the shift to transition its energy landscape. By targeting key sectors such as electricity, transport and clean cooking, the county is setting a powerful example for urban areas worldwide on how to embrace renewable energy solutions.
Local leaders showcase climate, poverty reduction and partnerships at UN SDGs Forum 2024
July 16, 2024
From 8 to 17 July in New York City, the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) convened UN Member States and representatives from civil society organizations to follow up and review progress on a subset of the 17 Global Goals, ranging from promoting gender equality to preserving biodiversity. ICLEI actively participated in this year's Forum, which featured key events for cities and regions: The launch of the 8th Edition of the Global Taskforce's Annual Report and the Local and Regional Governments Forum on the 2030 Agenda.
Seizing the moment: Local action to address biodiversity loss and climate change
July 15, 2024
Building on the unprecedented COP28's multilevel action momentum and with the upcoming COP16 and COP29 by year-end, cities and regions have an actual window of opportunity to amplify their voices in the global climate discussions. At the ICLEI World Congress 2024 plenary, “From Global to Local to Global: Shaping the Future of Sustainability,” mayors and climate leaders emphasized that now is the time for local and regional governments to push for unified, cross-government action to achieve the urgently needed transformations toward a sustainable world.
Cities can bring CHAMP to life
July 15, 2024
During the ICLEI World Congress 2024 closing plenary on 21 June, Katja Dörner, Mayor of Bonn, Germany, and chair of the Climate Action Governance Portfolio for the ICLEI Global Executive Committee, called on urban leaders to proactively engage with their national governments and local government associations to enhance NDCs by 2025 and support CHAMP. National associations of local governments – under the leadership of ICLEI governance Members - in Germany, Brazil, and the U.S. have pledged to CHAMP, pioneering a global movement to push for stronger local involvement in national climate plans.
Reflections from a meeting of climate ministers with a Danish tragedy as backdrop
July 15, 2024
This piece was written by Anna Aaen, Deputy Mayor, City of Aalborg, Denmark, following the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial hosted by the city of Elsinore on 21-22 March 2024. It is a wonderful feeling to leave a meeting filled with energy and motivation. And it is even better when the meeting’s agenda is both significant and challenging – namely, global climate action at the local level.
Transforming commitments into action: Highlights from the ICLEI World Congress 2024 Closing Plenary
June 24, 2024
From June 18 to 21, over 1,500 global attendees converged in São Paulo, Brazil, to celebrate the vital role of international networks in connecting cities, towns, regions, and communities. During the Congress' closing plenary, ICLEI leaders underscored the power of collaboration and knowledge exchange in advancing local sustainability efforts and tackling shared challenges, propelling the much-needed global transformations.
Amazonian cities, unique and irreplaceable: Making the urban amazon visible
June 21, 2024
Amazonian cities are diverse in opportunities and needs. The region’s biodiversity is amongst the world’s most important but its cities’ sustainability challenges are less well-known. These jurisdictions require financial support and capacity building to create sustainable, conservation-oriented, equitable, nature-based spaces with circular development. At the ICLEI World Congress, mayors from this region convened to amplify the voices of these unique cities.
Nurturing community and planetary well-being
June 21, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of nature in urban environments, providing solace and a sense of well-being during lockdowns. At the ICLEI World Congress, local and subnational governments, alongside WHO experts and NGOs, discussed the potential of Nature-based Solutions to address biodiversity loss and climate change while enhancing urban health.
Harnessing opportunities and reducing risks: Using artificial intelligence for local climate action
June 20, 2024
Digital tools increasingly play a role for cities as they design strategies to combat climate change. Learn how cities around the world are leveraging AI and technology is crucial for building sustainable and resilient urban environments.
Navigating our changing world: Insights on local urban climate action
June 20, 2024
In a world increasingly shaped by the climate emergency, cities are stepping into the forefront of resilience and sustainability efforts. During the ICLEI World Congress’ plenary “Our Changing World,” ICLEI Members and experts discussed how cities can leverage local initiatives to drive global impact, emphasizing the urgency of integrated approaches to mitigate environmental risks and build climate-resilient communities worldwide.
Equity in action: Shaping climate solutions for all
June 20, 2024
Integrating equity into climate mitigation is essential for creating sustainable cities that serve all residents, particularly marginalized communities. Initiatives like the INCLU:DE project and the Malmö Commitment on Inclusive and Equitable Communities exemplify successful strategies, promoting inclusive planning, inner-city collaboration, and equity-based methodologies.
Protecting our communities with resilient urban water systems
June 20, 2024
Water challenges often exacerbate social inequalities. Examples from São Paulo, Puducherry, and Boulder showcase innovative practices such as data-driven decision-making, valuing natural water storage, and community engagement in water management.
Greening our urban tapestry: Collaboration and solutions for nature and biodiversity
June 20, 2024
Urban areas can restore ecosystems and improve residents' well-being. Cities like São Paulo, Puducherry, and Austin showcased innovative strategies for urban resilience and economic growth, proving that systemic change for a sustainable future is possible.
ICLEI World Congress 2024: THE global gathering for sustainable urban development
September 4, 2024
The ICLEI World Congress 2024 in São Paulo gathered over 1,500 attendees, including more than 100 mayors, to advance sustainable urban development on a global scale. Highlighting major initiatives like the ICLEI São Paulo Strategic Vision 2024-2030 and the Urban Infrastructure Insurance Facility, the Congress set the stage for impactful actions shaping our future.
As cidades podem dar vida ao CHAMP
August 27, 2024
Durante a plenária de encerramento do Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2024, a prefeita Katja Dörner conclamou os líderes urbanos a se envolverem proativamente com seus governos nacionais e associações nacionais de governos locais para aprimorar as NDCs até 2025 e apoiar o CHAMP.
Aproveitando o momento: Ação local para enfrentar a perda de biodiversidade e as mudanças climáticas
August 27, 2024
Com base no impulso de ação multinível sem precedentes da COP28 e com as próximas COP16 e COP29 até o final do ano, as cidades e regiões têm uma janela de oportunidade real para ampliar suas vozes nas discussões climáticas globais. Na plenária do Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2024, “Do global para o local para o global: moldando o futuro da sustentabilidade”, prefeitos e líderes climáticos enfatizaram que agora é a hora de os governos locais e regionais pressionarem por uma ação unificada e intergovernamental para alcançar as transformações urgentemente necessárias em direção a um mundo sustentável.
Navegando em nosso mundo em mudança: percepções sobre a ação climática urbana local
August 27, 2024
Em um mundo cada vez mais moldado pela emergência climática, as cidades estão assumindo a vanguarda dos esforços de resiliência e sustentabilidade. Durante a plenária “Nosso Mundo em Transformação” do Congresso Mundial ICLEI, os membros e especialistas do ICLEI discutiram como as cidades podem alavancar iniciativas locais para gerar impacto global, enfatizando a urgência de abordagens integradas para mitigar os riscos ambientais e construir comunidades resistentes ao clima em todo o mundo.
Navegando por nuestro mundo cambiante: perspectivas sobre la acción climática urbana local
August 27, 2024
En un mundo cada vez más marcado por la emergencia climática, las ciudades están asumiendo un papel protagónico en materia de resiliencia y sostenibilidad. Durante la sesión plenaria del Congreso Mundial ICLEI “Nuestro mundo cambiante”, los miembros y expertos de ICLEI debatieron sobre cómo las ciudades pueden aprovechar las iniciativas locales para impulsar un impacto global, haciendo hincapié en la urgencia de adoptar enfoques integrados para mitigar los riesgos ambientales y construir comunidades resilientes al clima en todo el mundo.
Las ciudades pueden hacer realidad la iniciativa CHAMP
August 27, 2024
Durante la sesión plenaria de clausura del Congreso Mundial ICLEI 2024, la alcaldesa Katja Dörner pidió a los líderes urbanos que se comprometan de manera proactiva con sus gobiernos nacionales y asociaciones nacionales de gobiernos locales para mejorar las NDC para 2025 y apoyar la iniciativa CHAMP.
Aprovechar el momento: acción local para abordar la pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático
August 26, 2024
Aprovechando el impulso de acción multinivel sin precedentes de la COP28 y con la llegada de la COP16 y la COP29 a finales de año, las ciudades y regiones tienen una verdadera ventana de oportunidad para amplificar sus voces en los debates mundiales sobre el clima. En la sesión plenaria del Congreso Mundial ICLEI 2024, “De lo global a lo local a lo global: dando forma al futuro de la sostenibilidad”, alcaldes y líderes climáticos enfatizaron que ahora es el momento de que los gobiernos locales y regionales impulsen una acción unificada e intergubernamental para lograr las transformaciones urgentemente necesarias hacia un mundo sostenible.
US cities showcase how they are putting residents’ needs first in sustainability strategies
August 20, 2024
Cities like Baltimore, Boulder, Cleveland, and Coral Springs are collaborating through ICLEI to implement innovative climate actions, from community-driven plans to equitable resilience strategies.
Rising for a sustainable future: Iloilo City’s roadmap
July 31, 2024
loilo City is on the path to achieving Sustainable Development Goals with the "RISE ILOILO CITY" roadmap. This four-year strategic plan focuses on Responsive and Inclusive Human Development, Innovative Economic Development, Sustainable Environment, and Essential Resilient Infrastructure.
July 8, 2024
Nestled in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, Overstrand Local Municipality is a relatively small coastal municipality spanning 1...
Transformando los compromisos en acciones: Lo más destacado de la sesión plenaria de clausura del Congreso Mundial ICLEI 2024
June 24, 2024
Del 18 al 21 de junio, más de 1.500 asistentes de todo el mundo se reunieron en São Paulo, Brasil, para celebrar el papel vital de las redes internacionales en la conexión de ciudades, pueblos, regiones y comunidades. Durante la sesión plenaria de clausura del Congreso, los líderes de ICLEI subrayaron el poder de la colaboración y el intercambio de conocimientos para avanzar en los esfuerzos locales de sostenibilidad y hacer frente a los desafíos compartidos, impulsando las transformaciones globales tan necesarias.
Transformando compromissos em ação: Destaques da Plenária de Encerramento do Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2024
June 24, 2024
De 18 a 21 de junho, mais de 1.500 participantes globais se reuniram em São Paulo, Brasil, para celebrar o papel vital das redes internacionais na conexão de cidades, vilas, regiões e comunidades. Durante a plenária de encerramento do Congresso, os líderes do ICLEI enfatizaram o poder da colaboração e da troca de conhecimentos no avanço dos esforços locais de sustentabilidade e no enfrentamento de desafios compartilhados, impulsionando as transformações globais tão necessárias.
Sustentabilidade e inovação no desenvolvimento urbano
June 24, 2024
(Este artigo foi traduzido via software) O desenvolvimento urbano está em uma encruzilhada. Cidades de todo o mundo estão enfrentando...
Sostenibilidad e innovación en el desarrollo urbano
June 24, 2024
(Este artículo ha sido traducido mediante software) El desarrollo urbano se encuentra en una encrucijada. Ciudades de todo el mundo...
Sustainability and innovation in urban development
June 23, 2024
Urban development is at a crossroads. Cities around the world are grappling with challenges ranging from climate resilience to digital transformation, social cohesion, and sustainable economic growth. During the ICLEI 2024 World Congress, several sessions addressed these pressing issues through interactive discussions and expert-led panels. This blog highlights three key sessions that provide invaluable insights for government officials, policymakers, urban planners, and other stakeholders.
Potenciar las voces locales para hacer frente a la emergencia climática
June 23, 2024
(Este artículo ha sido traducido mediante software) Los actos de participación innovadores pueden fomentar un diálogo significativo y transformar las...
Capacitando vozes locais para enfrentar a emergência climática
June 23, 2024
(Este artigo foi traduzido via software) Eventos inovadores de engajamento podem promover um diálogo significativo e transformar as necessidades da...
Empowering local voices to tackle the climate emergency
June 23, 2024
To truly empower local people, community needs must be incorporated into policy, ideally using familiar language to communicate climate action and involving diverse groups in decision-making processes. Examples from cities like Baltimore, Glasgow, Lusaka, Rosario, and Baguio demonstrated the benefits of local stocktakes and continuous dialogue.
A arte do impacto: como a criatividade impulsiona a mudança sustentável
June 23, 2024
(Este artigo foi traduzido via software) A criatividade é uma ferramenta poderosa e necessária para promover mudanças sustentáveis e facilitar...
El arte del impacto: cómo la creatividad impulsa el cambio sostenible
June 21, 2024
(Este artículo se ha traducido mediante software) La creatividad es una herramienta poderosa y necesaria para impulsar el cambio sostenible...
The art of impact: How creativity boosts sustainable change
June 21, 2024
This interactive session showcased how creativity can enhance project design, build trust, and improve outcomes. From illustrated maps to promote nature-based solutions in Colombia, to the integration of art and policy to envision sustainable cities, to photos that portray community perspectives, creativity is a vital tool for driving sustainable change and fostering community engagement.
La ciudad del mañana: Cómo las megaciudades son pioneras en soluciones de desarrollo sostenible
June 21, 2024
(Este artículo ha sido traducido mediante software) Las megaciudades son el resultado de procesos de urbanización en curso. Una megaciudad...
A cidade do futuro: Como as megacidades são pioneiras em soluções de desenvolvimento sustentável
June 21, 2024
(Este artigo foi traduzido via software) As megacidades são o resultado de processos de urbanização em andamento. Uma megacidade é...
City of tomorrow: How megacities are pioneering sustainable development solutions
June 21, 2024
Megacities are the result of ongoing urbanization processes. A megacity is a very large urban area with a population exceeding ten million people. Nowadays, there are over 40 such megacities globally, collectively housing more than 9% of the world's population. The rise of megacities has led to significant environmental impacts, emphasizing the need for more sustainable urban planning and public services.
Centrar los derechos humanos en una adaptación climática equitativa y justa en el Sur Global
June 21, 2024
Situar a las personas en el centro de las políticas de desarrollo es crucial para un progreso eficaz y sostenible, especialmente en el contexto de las disparidades económicas y políticas globales que prevalecen en tantos países del Sur Global.
Centralização dos direitos humanos na adaptação climática equitativa e justa no Sul Global
June 21, 2024
Colocar as pessoas no centro das políticas de desenvolvimento é fundamental para um progresso eficaz e sustentável, especialmente no contexto das disparidades econômicas e políticas globais que prevalecem em muitos países do Sul Global.
Centering human rights in equitable and just climate adaptation in the Global South
June 21, 2024
Placing people at the heart of development policies is crucial, especially in the Global South. In this panel, leaders discussed balancing human rights, biodiversity, and resilience amid urbanization and climate change.