Redefining City Life through Equity in Climate Action

When thinking of transformative climate actions, one should imagine the many aspects of city life that can be redefined. Transformative climate actions are not exclusively technical – they go well beyond divesting from fossil fuels and erecting barriers to mitigate flood risks. Climate actions can have myriad environmental, social and economic benefits that transform the 

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Cities in Action: Balikpapan, the Urban-LEDS Model City

Balikpapan is a seaport city on the east coast of the island of Borneo, in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan. Based on the results of Balikpapan’s first GHG inventory, the Urban-LEDS Model City has set targets to reduce community emissions by 15.6% by 2020 from 2010 levels. The following Low-Emissions Development (LED) activities are 

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