
#ResilientCities in the Twittersphere

Never underestimate the power of the 280-character tweet, where we get to see throughout the Congress the ideas and people who are inspiring the most conversation and exchange. In this year’s 10th anniversary of the Resilient Cities Congress, Twitter gives us the greater panorama on resilience, climate change, and global warming.

Here’s what people are talking about:




Panelists and participants agree: although cities are at the core of climate action, acting alone won’t have the same impact as the action of cities with partners. And just like the health of our families, the health of our cities should never be an issue of a partisanship, economics, gender or geography.



Many Twitter users participating in the Congress frequently associate climate change threats with natural disasters that come to memory in their own cities. Ranging from repeat attendees to newbies, people are seeing that climate change and climate-related disasters aren’t just a problem for penguins and polar bears — it’s a hazard unfolding where we live.



One of the clearest and most consistent observations during the Congress is that for many citizens around the world, climate change adaptation is not a distant problem. The residents of the cities who are present at the Congress are more convinced than ever that climate change could hurt them, their families and communities and platforms like Resilient Cities enhance the chance of cooperation among these actors.



When cities have the opportunity to collaborate – to sharing resources and expertise during events and exchange platforms such as Resilient Cities – it gives them a real chance to tackle the climate threat.



Here was our most popular tweet – what do you think?


This post is based on the hashtag #ResilientCities during the Resilient Cities Congress 2019.

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