ICLEI World Congress 2024: THE global gathering for sustainable urban development

The ICLEI World Congress 2024, held in São Paulo, Brazil, brought together over 1,500 attendees, including more than 100 mayors, in a demonstration of unity, collaboration, and commitment to sustainable urban development. The Congress celebrated the strength of ICLEI’s global network, which is at the forefront of addressing some of the most critical challenges facing cities and regions today.

The Congress marked a milestone for the ICLEI network, as it set the stage for impactful actions that will shape the future of sustainability. Today, we are excited to share the official report from the event, which captures the key outcomes, discussions, and initiatives that emerged from this pivotal moment. Let’s explore some of the main highlights from the Congress and the steps ICLEI Members are taking to advance a sustainable and equitable urban future.

A community of changemakers

The Congress was a powerful reminder that sustainability is a global effort that requires local action. The more than 1,500 attendees – including mayors, government officials, experts, and innovators from across the world – came together with a shared vision: to push forward the boundaries of sustainable urban development.

As Gino Van Begin, ICLEI Secretary General, expressed: “The ICLEI World Congress is a chance to show the power of our network. As a result of the Congress, ICLEI is set to initiate more than 300 programs, projects, and initiatives over the next three years, with a total investment of $100 million to bolster its Members’ sustainability efforts.” 

Major initiatives unveiled

Among the many initiatives highlighted at the Congress, the unveiling of the ICLEI São Paulo Strategic Vision 2024-2030 stands out as a critical framework for guiding sustainable urban transformation in the years ahead. This strategic vision emphasizes the role of local governments in driving the global sustainability agenda and sets the direction for ICLEI’s work over the next six years.

The launch of the Urban Infrastructure Insurance Facility (UIIF), which brings an innovative approach to enhancing urban resilience in cities across Latin America and the Caribbean was a significant announcement at the Congress. Seven cities, including Curitiba, Recife, and Kingston, are already pioneering efforts to mitigate the risks of natural disasters through this initiative. The UIIF will provide tailored insurance solutions to help cities safeguard their infrastructure, demonstrating how financial mechanisms can be harnessed to foster sustainable development.

Additionally, the Congress saw the introduction of the 100% Renewables Roadmap Project, in which three cities and regions – Avellaneda, Argentina; Kisumu County, Kenya; and West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia – unveiled their roadmaps to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. These plans are tailored to each city’s unique needs and resources, highlighting the importance of local leadership in the global energy transition.

Amplifying global voices

A key theme throughout the Congress was the importance of inclusive governance. This was exemplified by the launch of the ICLEI Gender Declaration, which marked a renewed commitment to embedding gender equity into the organization’s core mission. The Gender Declaration emphasizes the need for gender-responsive urban planning to ensure that women and marginalized groups benefit equitably from sustainable development policies.

Speaking to the significance of this focus, Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, and newly elected ICLEI President, said: “The transition cannot be sustainable if it’s not affordable. We need to put people at the center of our work, including the situation for women globally. It has been truly empowering to meet face to face at the World Congress in São Paulo and feel the force of the entire ICLEI movement. We are now more determined and inspired to get the work done.”

Another crucial initiative was the Global Research & Innovation Symposium, which convened experts, researchers, and urban practitioners to explore cutting-edge solutions for sustainable urban development. This event showcased how collaboration and innovation can pave the way for state-of-the-art solutions to the complex challenges facing cities. By bridging the gap between research and action, the Symposium set the stage for the next generation of urban sustainability initiatives.

A global network for local action

One of the most inspiring aspects of the ICLEI World Congress 2024 was the diversity of the cities and regions represented. From São Paulo, Brazil, to Boulder, USA, to Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei, the Congress demonstrated that cities from all corners of the globe are stepping up to lead the way toward sustainability. 

Ricardo Nunes, Mayor of São Paulo, reflected on the significance of hosting this global gathering, stating: “The city of São Paulo is very proud to have hosted this ICLEI Congress and to recognize the fundamental work that ICLEI develops with all the cities around the world. This Congress certainly contributed greatly for us to advance on the themes, mainly environment, sustainability, climate change, and social issues.”

The Congress also provided an opportunity for new contributors from five continents to join the Local and Subnational Governments Coalition to end plastic pollution, further expanding ICLEI’s global reach. This Coalition, which was launched earlier in the year, underscores the importance of collective action in addressing the environmental crises facing our planet.

Looking ahead: ICLEI’s roadmap to 2030

The ICLEI World Congress 2024 was not only a moment to reflect on past achievements but also to look forward to the future. The outcomes of the Congress will guide ICLEI’s efforts as it works toward its 2030 goals, ensuring that local governments are equipped with the tools, partnerships, and knowledge they need to drive sustainability on the ground.

As we look ahead to the next ICLEI World Congress in 2027, the momentum built in São Paulo will continue to fuel the transformation of cities and regions around the world. 
Read the interactive report today and join us on the journey toward a sustainable future.

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