Sembrando las semillas de la agricultura urbana

Las áreas rurales, que cubren un tercio de São Paulo, están perfectamente conectadas con la ciudad a través del Programa Sampa+Rural, una plataforma innovadora donde los ciudadanos y visitantes pueden descubrir a los agricultores locales, disfrutar de productos agrícolas frescos y acceder a opciones de ecoturismo. Explore cómo esta vibrante megalópolis está creando un centro 

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Semeando as sementes para a agricultura urbana

Cobrindo um terço de São Paulo, as áreas rurais estão conectadas de forma contínua à cidade através do Programa Sampa+Rural, uma plataforma inovadora onde cidadãos e visitantes podem descobrir agricultores locais, se deliciar com produtos frescos da fazenda e acessar opções de ecoturismo. Explore como esta megalópole vibrante está criando um centro de sustentabilidade que 

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O presente verde de São Paulo

A cidade de São Paulo acaba de declarar de utilidade pública a aquisição de 32 áreas verdes privadas, equivalentes ao tamanho de Paris ou a 15.500 campos de futebol. Com esse acréscimo significativo, a megalópole totalizará 26% de seu território sob proteção ambiental. “Ampliar essas áreas de preservação é um dos maiores presentes que podemos 

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El regalo verde de São Paulo

La ciudad de São Paulo ha declarado recientemente de utilidad pública la adquisición de 32 zonas verdes privadas, equivalentes al tamaño de París o a 15.500 campos de fútbol. Con esta importante incorporación, la megalópolis sumará el 26% de su territorio bajo protección ambiental. “Ampliar estas áreas de preservación es uno de los mayores regalos 

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Latin American voices at COP27: The road ahead

Latin America faces two major challenges. First, despite having achieved considerable success in reducing extreme poverty over the past decades, Brazil has recently returned to the hunger map and Latin America is the most unequal region in the world. Safeguarding this process and ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth is central and a priority for all 

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Multilevel partnership is the key to accelerate the construction of more resilient and equitable territories in South America

To circumvent the challenges involved in accelerating the construction of more resilient, inclusive, equitable and just territories in South America, the solution may lie in strengthening partnerships between all levels of government and sectors. This vision was shared by political leaders, experts, activists, civil society representatives, and private companies from South America in events during 

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Baixada Santista resumes training in adapting to climate change

The training intends to support local agents in understanding climate vulnerabilities and planning actions to adapt to climate change. The climatic emergency is a phenomenon that affects territories as a whole and, especially, coastal areas, which suffer intensely with circumstances such as rising sea levels and changes in precipitation regimes, generating extreme events of waves, 

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The Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley conducts study on freight transport

Freight movement is intrinsically linked to cities’ economic development. Managing freight flows effectively is essential to the supply of basic goods and services and economic prosperity, as well as reducing its negative environmental and social impacts. More importantly, effective freight management improves quality of life for local communities. In Colombia, freight transport is managed by  

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In Brazil, São Bernardo do Campo Municipality looks into priority adaptation measures to tackle the challenges of climate change

By the end of next month, the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, located in São Paulo State, will deliver the last stage of its risk and climate vulnerability assessment conducted by the WayCarbon – ICLEI South America consortium. The project is part of the PROINFRA Program and is financed by the Latin America Development 

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How Belo Horizonte is educating on agro-ecology and urban agriculture

On 19 February, the Food and Nutritional Security Secretariat in the city of Belo Horizonte promoted the virtual exchange “Public Policies of Agroecology and Urban Agriculture,” aimed at training and improving the understanding of urban agriculture and agroecology by the city’s managers and municipal employees. This exchange of experiences included the city of Rosario (Argentina), 

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