A3: Resilient Investment – Targeting is Good, Embedding is Better
As a city, if you want to address resilience, where do you start? At the Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific A3 panel…
As a city, if you want to address resilience, where do you start? At the Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific A3 panel…
Malaysian Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government YB Datuk Abdul Rahman bin Dahlan, Melaka Chief Minister YAB Datuk Seri Ir….
The 2nd Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific congress was officially opened today in Melaka, Malaysia by YB Datuk Abdul Rahman bin Dahlan, the Hon….
They say: A visit to Malaysia is incomplete without a visit to Melaka. The city that is a fine blend…
From tomorrow (2 March) the Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific congress (RCAP) in Melaka, Malaysia will welcome participants from across the region to…
Around 500 delegates from local governments, including over 60 cities, development agencies, civil society, and private sector will convene at…
City Stories 4 Cities That Are Getting Rid Of All Of Their Garbage Facing Severe Food Shortages, Venezuela Pushes Urban…
Historically, many cities were built around heavy industry. The production of steel and textiles was the catalyst for urban growth…
Post co-authored by Bohyun Kim, Junior Officer, ICLEI Smart Cities Team The world has been discussing what a smart city…
Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! City…
On the occasion of the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, Iosu Madariaga, Deputy Minister for Environment and…
Two of the Canadian participants in the EU-Canada Urban Policy Cooperation have received deserved recognition for their actions and accountability…