ICLEI Links: 26 February 2016

City Stories

4 Cities That Are Getting Rid Of All Of Their Garbage

Facing Severe Food Shortages, Venezuela Pushes Urban Gardens

Seoul City to Provide Free High-speed Wi-Fi in all Public Places

Brass-Tacks Urbanism Is the Not-So-Secret Secret to Growing a Healthy City

Leveraging A City Budget for Smart Urban Reform

Climate Change Stories

The Solution to Climate Change that Has Nothing to Do with Cars or Coal

To Meet the Paris Climate Goals, Do We Need to Engineer the Climate?

Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries

Kiribati Turns to Artificial Islands to Save Nation from Atlantis Fate

PODCAST: Jeremy Rifkin on the Next Industrial Revolution

Energy Stories

Booming Wind Business Ignores Oil Slump as Market Values Double

Bill Gates’s Clean-Energy Moon Shot

Can Germany’s Renewable Energy Revolution be Replicated in the United States?

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