
By Aichi Prefecture’s call, 51 Local governments in Japan signed the Edinburgh Declaration

Aichi Prefecture hosted the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP10) in Nagoya in 2010. At the COP, Aichi Targets (global targets for 2011–2020) and the “Action Plan for Cities and Local Governments” were adopted.

Since the adoption of the “Action Plan for Cities and Local Governments” and the “Global Targets for 2011–2020,” we have been appealing to local governments to expand their efforts to achieve the Aichi Targets in cooperation with local governments around the world.

In preparation for the CBD-COP15 (Kunming, China), which will adopt a new global target (the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework) from April 2020 onward, the Edinburgh Process, which consolidates the opinions of Sub-National and Local Governments around the world, are being developed mainly by the Scottish government in the United Kingdom.

Because of Aichi Prefecture’s call for signatures of the agreement for the Edinburgh Declaration, a major outcome of the Edinburgh Process, to local governments throughout Japan through the Network of Local Authorities for Biodiversity, 51 local governments in Japan had signed the Declaration until February 15, 2021 (members of ICLEI include Aichi Prefecture, Kitakyushu City, Saitama City, Sapporo City, Toyota City, and Nagano Prefecture).

BY Aichi Prefecture

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