Why are Southeast Asian local governments joining #ResilientCities Asia-Pacific 2015?
Above, the event hosts: Coletha Ruhamya, Director General, Rwanda Environmental Management Authority – Marie-Chantal Rwakazina, Mayor of City of Kigali –…
Aichi Prefecture hosted the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP10) in Nagoya in 2010. At the…
Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! City…
Agriculture is one of the major indirect drivers of biodiversity loss. Increased food production, as a result of intensive agricultural…
The second day of ICLEI’s Lounge Talks at Metropolitan Solutions 2015 began with a discussion on ecomobility. After presentations on…
Mayor Fernanda Hassem (centre) shares with the audience the many challenges the people of Brasiléia face due to climate change,…