Rodrigo Perpétuo

Executive Secretary, ICLEI South America

Local and regional governments are taking a more central role in climate change dialogues since they were officially recognized in the Paris Agreement. Local and regional governments brought a powerful message to decision makers that multilevel action is essential when addressing climate change.

Climate goals will be impossible to achieve without the commitment of subnational governments, which are essential to ensure that the effects of climate change are addressed with proper sanitation, waste management and mobility policies.

Initiatives already being implemented in states, regions and cities – such as nature-based solutions and circular economy – demonstrate the enormous potential of collaboration between local and national actors and therefore the importance of them being included in NDC discussions.

Democracies in Latin America are facing challenges and turmoil. Old problems, such as social inequality, have increased in recent years. To think of the climate agenda in Latin America today is to think of it as part of the social agenda and in defense of the principles of human rights and democracy.