Reaching to 982 entries as of October 2020, Pioneers of Climate Ambition is a compilation of cities and regions within the ICLEI network that (1) declared climate emergency, (2) adopted climate neutrality, (3) are in transition to 100% Renewable Energy and (4) are divesting from fossil fuels.
As part of its support to UNFCCC Race-To-Zero Campaign, and through its Climate Neutrality Framework, ICLEI will seek to: (1) Ensure acknowledgement of the existing climate neutrality commitments; (2) Increase number of cities and regions that are committing to climate neutrality; (3) Encourage its members and network to consider re-assessment, recalculation or recalibration of their existing climate neutrality targets with the Science-Based-Targets Approach towards and beyond COP26 in 2021; and (4) Support monitoring progress and compliance.