Kobie Brand

Director, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center
Regional Director, ICLEI Africa Secretariat

I’ve been present in many climate COPs and biodiversity COPs before, and ICLEI is one of the few subnational government networks that is active in both, providing high-profile platforms to elevate the priorities of cities and regions…

Yunus Arikan

Global Director of Advocacy, ICLEI
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency Focal Point

Local and regional governments are an extensive and diverse presence at this year’s COP, showing the depth of our commitment to solving the climate crisis. This strong representation demonstrates that we, as a constituency, are fully…

Rodrigo Perpétuo

Executive Secretary, ICLEI South America

Local and regional governments are taking a more central role in climate change dialogues since they were officially recognized in the Paris Agreement. Local and regional governments brought a powerful message to decision makers that multilevel action is essential when addressing climate change…

Togo Uchida

Executive Director, ICLEI Japan Office

COP25 comes at a complex time for Japan. Our country has been criticized for continuing to rely on coal, and our national government has yet to commit to an enhanced NDC, in line with IPCC 1.5 degrees report…

Emani Kumar

ICLEI Deputy Secretary General
Regional Director, ICLEI South Asia Secretariat

ICLEI South Asia has come to COP25 to bring the voice of our city and regional governments to these negotiations. We are looking for direction from our national governments, to know if there is a role for us to play with their work to…

Kobie Brand

Director, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center
Regional Director, ICLEI Africa Secretariat

The Mayors who are a part of the ICLEI network in Africa often share on-the-ground perspectives of the climate change impacts they experience, many of which are devastating. In our network of local leaders, there is an intense urgency…