8 events to watch for at the COP26 Multilevel Action Pavilion

Sunday kicks off the COP26 climate negotiations process in Glasgow. The Conference of the Parties (COP) convenes all signatories of the UNFCCC international climate treaty to assess its progress. There are two negotiation areas that have the world holding their breath: the new, improved Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and implementation of the developed nations’ $100 billion climate finance commitment. Alongside these pivotal talks, a myriad of events await COP26 attendees. 

The Multilevel Action Pavilion will be the home of cities, regions and other subnational government levels during the event. The Pavilion will be both online and in-person to ensure everyone can attend these key conversations, regardless of travel or budget restrictions. You can claim your spot today for the online Multilevel Action pavilion!

And then, don’t miss these eight Multilevel Action Pavilion events during the next two weeks:


1. The Glasgow Women’s Leadership on Gender Equality and Climate Change 

Who: Organized by the  Scottish Government and UN Women

When: Tues 2 Nov 11:30 – 13:00 UTC+0

What: Climate impacts are a known exacerbator of existing gender inequalities. Those most at risk from natural hazards, climate-induced poverty and forced migration tend to be people whose livelihood is directly reliant on natural resources and the world’s poor; the majority of which are women. Imbalanced power structures and women’s limited participation in the decision-making processes of climate research, policy-making and implementation further aggravate existing inequalities.

Acknowledging these issues, the Rtn Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister of Scotland, and UN Women will bring together female leaders from governments across the globe in a panel discussion to explore the gendered impacts of the climate crisis and the role female leadership is playing in addressing climate change. The event will also launch the Glasgow Women’s Leadership Statement, signed and supported by the panellists and female government leaders. 

#BlueZone #JustTransition #GenderEquality


2. Time4MultilevelAction High Level Dialogues 

Who: Organized by multiple partners

When: Throughout the week

What: The Time4MultilevelAction Dialogue series is a set of hybrid events that creates a space for knowledge and experience exchange on strengthening national climate action plans across governance levels. Government representatives, from local to national, are invited to discuss, share and vision how they intend to raise climate ambition, as anticipated in the preambular paragraph.15 of the Paris Agreement.

These dialogues are a cornerstone of the  Multilevel Action Pavilion – the home for cities, towns and regions at COP26 and in its accredited Blue Zone. Conceptualized within the scope of the Urban-LEDS project by ICLEI and UN-Habitat, the sessions are diverse and provoking. From how Latin America and the Caribbean foster vertical integration in their resilient development plans to how authorities in East Asia and Oceania are driving accelerated climate measures. Don’t miss out.

  • Latin America and the Caribbean Regions & Cities Towards Financeable, Low Carbon and Resilient multilevel development  Tues Nov 2 13:00 – 15:00
  • The USA Dialogue  Tues Nov 2 18:00 – 19:30
  • Local Governments Driving Accelerated Actions in the Age of Climate Emergency – East Asia and Oceania Wed Nov 3 08:30 – 10:00
  • Urban LEDS – Finance flowing to accelerate Climate Action: Innovation and Partnership    Wed Nov 3 13:00 – 15:00
  • Strengthening Multilevel and Inclusive Governance for Climate Action: Messages from African Mayors for COP26 Thurs Nov 4 13:00 – 15:00
  • Beyond COP26: Redefining Multilevel Climate Action in Canada –  Thurs Nov 4 16:30 – 18:00 
  • Towards more inclusive and fair Climate Action: a Multilevel and Multigenerational Europe –  Fri Nov 5 13:00 – 15:00
  • Global South – Wed Nov 10 13:00 – 15:00 


3. We have agreed. Will You? – Citizens’ Recommendations for Fair and Effective Action on Climate Change

Who: Organized by Scotland’s Climate Assembly, la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat, the Global Assembly and Glasgow Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate Emergency

When: Fri 5 Nov 11:30 – 13:00 UTC+0

What: The ecological crisis will affect everyone and everyone deserves to have a say in how we move forward. Citizens’ Assemblies create space for private citizens to actively engage in the policy-making process, to shape discussions and to ensure decisions are representative and inclusive. They’ve also been known to find solutions where traditional governance structures have failed. Participatory approaches like citizen assemblies create a political mandate for change by enabling a more diverse and numerous body of people to design climate solutions.  In this event, you’ll hear what ordinary people are calling for and how their recommendations are being incorporated. Tune in to learn how participatory approaches are contributing to effective action and ask yourself how it could be transposed to your city or region. 



4. The City Investment Imperative for Net Zero


Who: Organized by Core Cities UK, Connected Places Catapult and London Councils

When: Wed 3 Nov 10:00 – 11:30 UTC+0

What: The targets are there, but, in order to achieve them, substantial financial investment is essential. Infrastructural upgrades to shrink the carbon intensity of our transport networks, our energy and heating systems, need funding. On Sustainable Finance Day, the UK Cities Climate Investment Commission (UK CCIC), a collaboration between Connected Places Catapult, Core Cities and London Councils, will report its findings on the up-front investment necessary to meet Net Zero pledges. They approximate, based on new research, that over £200 billion is required just to meet net-zero commitments in London and across UK Core Cities. They purport that such investment supersedes the financial capacity of the public sector alone and will demand all stakeholders, public and private, to engage.

Together with representatives from the investment sector, city leaders discuss the opportunities and hurdles of private-public financial partnerships in the race to net-zero. Speakers will cover a range of investment areas including construction and development, energy infrastructure, waste management and much, much more.



5. Delivering a just transition – the role of cities, regions, devolved Governments

Who: Organized by the Scottish Government 

When: Tues 9 Nov 15:00 – 16:30 UTC+0

What: Ecological impacts and their socioeconomic corollaries are already being felt – more frequent extreme weather events, land use change, shifting job markets, climate-induced migration – but these are not experienced uniformly. Some communities and groups are disproportionately affected by the changing climate and are more vulnerable to the associated risks. Cities, regions and devolved governments are more in tune with these on-the-ground issues. How then might subnational and devolved governments help mitigate these negative trends and foster a more just transition? These are the questions that the panellists here tackle. Representatives of the Under 2 Coalition members, a global group of ambitious state and regional governments committed to keeping global temperature rises to well below 2°C, convene to define what a just transition might look like and how transformations should ripple across all levels of government. Attendees will also be given the opportunity to take part in a facilitated discussion and pose questions to the panel.


“The vital necessity of making that transition quickly and also fairly must be the message – and drive the outcome – of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate, or COP26 as it is more commonly known.”

Nicola Sturgeon, 25.10.2021 


6. Game On: City Ambitions Towards Future-Proof  and Equitable Mobility Systems

Who: Organized by ICLEI World Secretariat 

When: Wed 10 Nov 10:00 – 11:30 UTC+0

What: Globalization has brought many benefits – increased connectivity and mobility being one of them. In just a few hours it’s possible to travel hundreds, even thousands, of kilometers, bringing us closer to loved ones, improving international trade & collaboration and facilitating cultural exchange. These benefits have, however, an ugly underbelly. Over the last 50 years transport emissions have risen exponentially, with no plateau in sight. That’s why cities are making net-zero mobility their priority now.

The side event joins ambitious plans to achieve net-zero in mobility, with reflections on current transportation models, on where they need to be and how we get there. Mark your calendar for this one!



7. Hearing the voice of subnational governments: Learning from the Edinburgh Declaration for Biodiversity

Who: Organized by the Scottish Government 

When: Sat 6 Nov 13:00 – 15:00 UTC+0

What: In the Edinburgh Declaration, an outcome of the Edinburgh Process, the UNCBD officially recognized the vital role of local authorities, cities and regions in delivering on COP15 on biodiversity’s targets and action plans. That same official acknowledgement is urgently needed at COP26. Subnational governments will be key transformational actors in tackling the climate emergency. How was the success of the Edinburgh Declaration for Biodiversity achieved? And what is required to emulate that success with the UNFCCC?

Speakers will share their experiences of biodiversity and climate action and invite the audience to discuss the role of subnational governments in coalescing action on these two mutually-dependent themes.


8. Further and Faster – local climate action and the role of the Global Covenant of Mayors

Who: Organized by Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy 

When: Thurs 11 Nov 10:00 – 11:30  UTC+0

What: Further and faster. This is how climate action needs going forward and local leaders are taking the reins on this mantra through the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM). GCoM is the largest global alliance for city climate leadership across the globe. Members voluntarily commit to secure a low-emission and climate-resilient future. 

During this event, you’ll get an idea of what the 11,000 city members have achieved thus far through real-life examples of climate initiatives and green recovery approaches. The panellists will also share their experiences on how both national and subnational governments can identify the most effective entry points for NDC implementation at the local level.  Have your notepads at the ready – you won’t want to miss a word.

For more information on these events and other unmissable sessions visit the Multilevel Action Pavilion and get registered!

Visit the Multilevel Action Pavilion                                            Join an event!          


Glasgow, City Center Photo by Ratworks Media from Pexels

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