Opinions, ideas and knowledge you can apply to local and regional sustainable development.

Explore this blog to learn from local leaders, municipal staff and experts from around the world.

ICLEI Links: 24 October 2014

Welcome to our new blog feature! ICLEI Links gathers links on a variety of topics directly or indirectly related to ICLEI’s work. We hope you find them interesting – and be sure to check back every Friday for the next roundup. To stay up to date on all ICLEI news, follow us on Twitter and 

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Video: Korea Today Report on Biodiversity Summit

The Biodiversity Summit for Cities and Subnational Governments, held in parallel with the CBD COP 12 on 12-14 October in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, concluded last week. Korea Today has produced an excellent report on both meetings – check out the video above.

Melbourne and the future of the Livable City

For several years, Melbourne has been ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit as the world’s most livable city. The Economist’s rankings are based on five criteria: Stability, Healthcare, Culture & Environment, Education, and Infrastructure. In 2014, Melbourne topped the rankings with an overall score of 97.5. Low crime rates and effective infrastructure have helped Melbourne 

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One Neighborhood, One Month, No Cars: the Suwon EcoMobility World Festival

Cars are a defining feature of cities as we know them. Sometimes we are grateful for the mobility that cars provide. Frequently, though, we lament the effects of cars on our cities, from air and noise pollution to traffic jams, safety hazards, and the exclusion of more environmentally-friendly forms of transport. We might often wonder, 

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Why does #urbanSDG matter? Join our Campaign!

    On 31 October this year, for the first time, the planet will celebrate World Cities Day. The event will be held promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, encourage cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges to urbanization in establishing sustainable urban development and planning. Why is this important? Because cities matter. The 

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Traffic-jammed Bogor City makes way for bikes and pedestrian

Bogor City is known as one of the most traffic-congested cities in Indonesia. Sustainable transport within the city is one of its top priorities, which is why the city launched a “Walkability Campaign” aimed at promoting sustainable forms of transport, thus reducing GHG emissions and air pollution. The “Walkability Campaign” is a project of the 

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Harnessing the power of the sun and aiming at zero waste: Indian cities work for low emissions development

With both population and economy rapidly growing, India will play a crucial role in any low-carbon scenario. Two model cities, Rajkot and Thane, and six satellite cities were selected to participate in the Urban-LEDS program, funded by the European Commission and implemented by UN-Habitat and ICLEI, with the objective of enhancing the transition to low 

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Putting community at the center, KwaDukuza develops a low-carbon vision for 2030

Where once stood the compound of the proud Zulu king Shaka, now live the 250,000 inhabitants of KwaDukuza Municipality. One of the two Urban-LEDS model cities in South Africa, KwaDukuza has so far been very active in forging a path to sustainability, striving to be an environmentally sustainable municipality that anticipates, manages and reduces its 

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In Fortaleza, 85% of GHG emissions comes from transport and waste. But there’s a plan

Fortaleza mirrors itself in the waters of the Atlantic coast of northeastern Brazil. It is the capital of Cearà State and has the highest demographic density of any state capital in Brazil. Its 2,5 million population puts natural resources and environment under high pressure, but Fortaleza is committed to a low carbon pathway and is 

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The Top 10: Media Coverage of #Climate2014

Yielding major announcements from a number of state dignitaries, the published narrative at the UN Climate Summit 2014 was diverse, with the immediacy for climate action taking precedence. The following is a list of selected articles, highlighting announcements and commitments made at the Summit with ICLEI´s involvement. This includes particularly – The Compact of Mayors 

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