ICLEI Links: 19 June 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web!

ICLEI Stories

World Summit Climate & Territories will contribute to developing a credible roadmap for limiting global warming to 2°C

Cities begin to TAP potential for COP21

City Stories

Inside Venice’s bid to hold back the tide

Solar-powered ‘supertrees’ breathe life into Singapore’s urban oasis

Seattle’s smart plan to remake its streets

Energy Stories

Ontario: Canada’s energy transition success story

Heat and drought pose threat to US power supplies

Why You Should Be Paying Attention To The ‘Other’ Form Of Solar Power

Natural gas stands to get a boost from carbon tax

Climate Change Stories

The latest global temperature data are breaking records

Pope Francis’ climate scientist: the German adviser who primed the pontiff

Temperatures soar to danger point for sun-loving creatures

Six Climate Tipping Points: How Worried Should We Be?

Satellites Find Less Groundwater Left

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