ICLEI Links: 6 February 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of ICLEI Links, our roundup of sustainability-related news and commentary from around the web! Thanks to all on Twitter and elsewhere for sharing.

ICLEI Stories

First Resilient Cities Asia-Pacific congress to kick off in Bangkok

City Stories

‘Crossrail’ cycle superhighway through central London given go-ahead

The value of sustainability reporting by cities

Why more roadway doesn’t mean less congestion

Can parks bring a city together?

Energy Stories

Why the smart money is looking at clean energy in Asia

Renewable biofuel production avoids competition with food resources

Climate Change Stories

UNFCCC unveils “Momentum for Change” initiative

World Has Not Woken Up to Water Crisis Caused by Climate Change

10 emerging sustainability trends to watch this year

Facing up to the awkward realities of the post-2015 agenda

Why we should stop guilt tripping people into being green

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