The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: the next frontier for cities and towns leading the way

By Mark Watts, Executive Director, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group & Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability When UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change Michael R. Bloomberg suggested creating a Compact of Mayors to mirror the UN programme for national commitments on climate change, it was not 

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B1: Give Me Your Knowledge!

This post is part of our live blog series from the Resilient Cities 2015 congress. For more live blogs, please click here. How can we foster knowledge partnerships that serve cities and their communities? This session explored several types of knowledge partnerships, including associations of local governments with climate scientists and research organisations with practitioners; 

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6 Days to the ICLEI World Congress: Bold Local Climate Leadership in the Compact of Mayors

Local action moves the world, certainly from a climate perspective. Current buzzwords like “cities” and “climate leadership” are used in the media, trying to create a sense of hope for the future in a world facing climate change. The reality that urgent action is needed – in terms of both reducing greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions 

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