Responding to vulnerability and its root causes

By Bryce Appleby, human geographer, MSc Candidate at Universität Bonn / UNU-EHS – United Nations University of Environmental Risk and Human Security and communications volunteer at Resilient Cities 2017 Marginalized neighborhoods and slums are often disproportionately affected by climate change, given that they are often located in high-hazard areas, deprived of risk-reducing infrastructure and lacking adaptive 

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The blue, the green, the city in between

by Laura Spray, MSc Candidate in Geography at Universität Bonn / UNU-EHS – United Nations University of Environmental Risk and Human Security and Resilient Cities 2017 communications volunteer The City of Oslo, known fondly to its residents as “the blue, the green and the city in between” due to its unique position between the sea and 

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Join the budding conversation about resilient transport

Resilience is a tricky topic when it comes to urban transport. The Paris Climate Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals signal a sustainable, resilient path forward for urban transport. But is this translating into resilient transport systems in cities? Not exactly. At least not on a consistent basis. Transport resilience is way down on the priority list for 

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A growing menu for the urban food agenda

The regulars at the Resilient Cities congress might recall that when urban food first appeared as a topic in the congress series, it almost seemed out of place – a topic more fitting to the agricultural community than urbanists. The conversation started from the basics, emphasizing food as a system, which includes producers, consumers and many other stakeholders all along 

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How cities can better manage risks and save money, lives and carbon emissions

Climate change poses an existential threat to cities. This is especially true when we take into account the risks posed by changing weather patterns, which increase the frequency and intensity of cyclones, superstorms, flash floods and protracted droughts. Among many other things, resilience-building is about managing such risks within the city. Of course, this is 

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Learn how to learn with Quito

Quito appreciates learning from other cities. Last October, they demonstrated their spirit of sharing and collaboration during the EcoMobility Days – held during the Habitat III conference – where they presented their transportation plans to cities and transport enthusiasts from all over the world to collect ideas for more integrated transportation. Once again, at Resilient Cities 2017, they 

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Nordic solutions with global relevance

Demographic changes in Nordic countries are compounded by climate change impacts, resource scarcity and population growth. This increases the complexity of building resilience in Nordic cities and regions. The Nordic Built Cities Challenge responded to these changes to encourage innovative Nordic solutions that may have global applicability. Three finalists in this challenge presented their innovations at 

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What integrated disaster and climate resilience means to cities

By Bryce Appleby, Human geographer, MSc Candidate at Universität Bonn / UNU-EHS – United Nations University of Environmental Risk and Human Security and communications volunteer at Resilient Cities 2017 Integration has long-since achieved buzzword status amongst resilience thinkers and planners. But what does integration exactly mean? How does it work in the context of disaster 

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How African cities are advancing SDG 11

By Laura Spray, MSc Candidate in Geography at Universität Bonn / UNU-EHS – United Nations University of Environmental Risk and Human Security and Resilient Cities 2017 communications volunteer Sustainable Development Goal 11 looks at the role cities can play in creating safe, inclusive and resilient urban environments. Four cities in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe are working 

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A storm is brewing and Copenhagen is ready

In 2012, the City of Copenhagen came to present their freshly adopted Climate Change Adaptation Plan, during a workshop at the Resilient Cities Forum. Today, five years later, they come back to share their experience with implementing that plan with other cities. Indeed, the Danish capital is not the only city to be threatened by 

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